Dr. Silton has Received the Following Teaching Awards and Honors:
Kolvenbach Award for Engaged Teaching, Loyola University Chicago
Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring, Loyola University Chicago
Edwin T. and Vivijeanne F. Sujack Award for Teaching Excellence, Loyola University Chicago
Edwin T. and Vivijeanne F. Sujack Master Teacher, Loyola University Chicago
Center for Experiential Learning Faculty Fellow, Loyola University Chicago
Courses Previously Instructed
Neuropsychology (Psyc 552)
Neuropsychological Assessment (Psyc 553)
Psychopathology and Problems in Living (Psyc 446)
Psychological Perspectives of Globalization (Psyc 100)
Psychopathology (Psyc 331)
Affective Neuroscience (Psyc 332)
Internship in Psychology (Psyc 390)